✨ Our collection of PM resources to help jumpstart your tech journey ~

💡 Co.Lab’s 4-week PM SPRINT Program is now open for admission!



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Breaking into the Tech Industry may be difficult. But it’s not impossible.

Here are 40+ successful stories of non-traditional paths into Product Management.

You Belong in Tech!

🌠 Want to break into Product but don’t know where to start? Visit our Free Course Guide to know what to consider when choosing a program that fits you.

I. How to Ace your Interviews

💡 Take a 1 hour FREE Udemy class!

👩‍🚀 **Sefunmi Osinaike,** Co.Lab Founder

Previously Copper, ecobee, & Apple


Learn about

Leverage interviewing best practices, techniques, and frameworks to confidently walk away with an offer!

Leverage interviewing best practices, techniques, and frameworks to confidently walk away with an offer!

II. Our Webinars